NSHE Remedial Report

In 1997, the Nevada Legislature enacted Senate Bill 482 (Chapter 473, Statutes of Nevada 1997 ) directing the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) to provide certain information to Nevada school districts on enrollments in remedial courses within the NSHE and the costs associated with providing that instruction. Codified in Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 396.548, the mandate states the following:

NRS 396.548 Provision of information to board of trustees of school districts regarding remedial instruction. The Board of Regents shall require employees of the System to provide to the board of trustees of each school district of this State, as appropriate, information regarding the:

  1. Number of pupils who graduated from a high school in the district in the immediately preceding year and enrolled in remedial courses in reading, writing or mathematics at a university, state college or community college within the System.
  2. Costs incurred by the System in providing remedial instruction pursuant to subsection 1.

The cost calculations are based on enrollment in the year immediately following high school graduation. Cost calculations are for all institutions and are not based on whether or not an institution is eligible for state support for remedial instruction. While the universities do not receive state support in remedial courses, they do incur a cost of providing such instruction and therefore estimates of that cost are included. Per credit costs are calculated based on the state-supported operating budget whereby a per credit cost is derived for the purpose of calculation the cost of remediation to the institution.

Effective Fall 2021
In June 2019, the Board of Regents established the NSHE Corequisite and College-Ready Gateway Policy which requires all degree-seeking students to be enrolled in college-level gateway English and math courses within the first two semesters of initial enrollment, with or without corequisite support. The policy also states that traditional forms of remediation, including courses numbered below 100, shall not be offered at any NSHE institution.
As a result of this policy implementation, NSHE institutions have not offered traditional remedial courses since Fall 2021. This also means that the System cannot calculate a cost incurred for providing remedial instruction.