College Readiness Data Dashboard

High School Diploma type and ACT Data

College Readiness

This report examines post-secondary enrollment and average ACT scores for recent Nevada public high school graduates completing a standard, advanced, alternative and college and career ready diploma.
Dashboard updated on 02/03/2025 with 2022-23 high school graduating class year, continuation to post-secondary education to NSHE or non-NSHE institutions, or in the workforce (employed in NV).

HS Graduates data in this dashboard includes only Nevada public high schools.

Standard vs. Advanced Diploma Types
Standard and Advanced diploma requirements can be found here. In general, the Advanced diploma requires a weighted or unweighted GPA of 3.25 and an additional unit of mathematics (4 units total) and an additional unit of science (3 units total) compared to the Standard diploma. Effective 2019, Advanced diploma recipients may receive a college or career ready endorsement by meeting additional requirements that are noted here.

ACT College Readiness Assessment
In order to determine college and career readiness for Nevada high school students, it is required to take an assessment of such readiness prior to graduation. The Nevada Department of Education highlights the following points regarding the ACT:

  • The Nevada State Board of Education selected the ACT as Nevada’s College and Career Readiness (CCR) Assessment.
  • Studies have determined that the ACT assesses content that correlates directly to Nevada Academic Content Standards that high schools are currently teaching, designed to prepare students for college or career by graduation.
  • ACT scores are not used to determine graduation eligibility. Students are required to participate, but not to achieve a certain score in order to graduate from high school. Participating in the ACT with Writing is required.
  • The ACT test is administered at the student’s school during the regular school day, at no charge to students.
  • The Nevada Board of Regents adopted a policy guaranteeing that students whose results on the ACT meet specified college-readiness benchmarks will be placed directly into college-level math and English courses and are exempt from being placed into remediation if certain conditions are met.
  • The ACT helps students plan for their future. In addition to the tests, the ACT also provides students with a unique Interest Inventory and a Student Profile Section, which provides a profile of their work in high school and their career choices for career and college decision-making.
Source: 2023-24 Nevada Graduation College and Career Readiness Assessment Requirements

ACT Benchmark Scores
The College Readiness Benchmark Scores as reported by the ACT are defined as the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in corresponding credit-bearing college courses. These courses include English Composition, Algebra, Social Science, and Biology. These scores are empirically derived based on the actual performance of students in college.
ACT determined college readiness benchmarks scores are as follows:

College Course ACT Subject - Area TestScore
College AlgebraMathematics22
English CompositionEnglish18
Social SciencesReading22

Average ACT Scores
Statewide administration of the ACT for all high school juniors began in 2015. The dashboard reflects data for the high school graduating class of 2016 and beyond only and not for prior classes that did not participate in statewide ACT administration.

ACT State Profile Reports
Following are the ACT prepared profile reports for Nevada for each high school graduating class indicated. These reports include average score data for the entire graduating class and includes various score breakdowns for each class.
You may also find National and State average ACT scores for tested high school graduates from 2015 to 2014 in the ACT's Data Visualization tool.

4-Year Institutions

  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • University of Nevada, Reno
  • Nevada State university

2-Year Institutions

  • College of Southern Nevada
  • Great Basin College
  • Truckee Meadows Community College
  • Western Nevada College

This report is based on the ACT assessment administered during a student's junior high school year.
If a student took the ACT assessment more than once, the report uses the highest ACT score for a given subject area or composite score. Super scoring is not used.
Average ACT scores are calculated only for students that enrolled at any NSHE institution within one year immediately following HS graduation with a Standard, Advanced, Alternative, or College and Career Ready diploma and for whom the ACT subject area score exists.

Source: NSHE Student Data Warehouse, Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS), National Student Clearinghouse (via NDE).

Nevada High School Graduates by Diploma Type
Standard, Advanced, Alternative and College and Career Ready diploma graduates only.
High School Graduates Chart Will Load Here

Nevada High School Graduates - Continuation
Continued to post-secondary education or workforce within a year immediately following high school graduation. Standard, Advanced, Alternative and College and Career Ready diploma graduates only.
Show chart using: Values   Distribution (Percentages)
Source: Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS), Nevada Department of Education, National Student Clearinghouse.
*Employed in Nevada.
Continued to Other (non-NSHE) includes NV private and out-of-state post-secondary institutions. Data for years prior to 2014-15 is not available.
**2022-23 - Only partial employment and wage data for the year following high school graduation is available at this time (01/30/2025). For that reason, continuation into the workforce and continuation status unknown may appear lower or higher, respectively, when compared to prior years.
Nevada High School Graduates Continuing to NSHE
Standard, Advanced, Alternative and College and Career Ready high school diploma graduates that enroll at any NSHE instituiton within one year immediately following graduation.
High School Graduates Capture Rate Chart Will Load Here
Average ACT Scores by School District
For Nevada high school graduates (Standard, Advanced, Alternative and College and Career Ready diploma) that enroll at any NSHE instituiton within one year immediately following graduation.
High School Graduates ACT Score Chart Will Load Here

Statewide administration of the ACT for all high school juniors began in 2015. The dashboard reflects data for the high school graduating class of 2015-16 and beyond and for whom the ACT subject area score exists.

ACT Benchmark: The College Readiness Benchmark Scores as reported by the ACT are defined as the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses.
Average ACT Scores by NSHE Institution Enrolled
For Nevada high school graduates (Standard, Advanced, Alternative and College and Career Ready diploma) that enroll at any NSHE instituiton within one year immediately following graduation.
High School Graduates ACT Score Chart Will Load Here

Statewide administration of the ACT for all high school juniors began in 2015. The dashboard reflects data for the high school graduating class of 2015-16 and beyond and for whom the ACT subject area score exists.

ACT Benchmark: The College Readiness Benchmark Scores as reported by the ACT are defined as the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses.
HS Graduating Class Year
2015-16   2016-17   2017-18   2018-19   2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23  
ACT College Readiness Score Distribution
The following graph indicates the percent of enrolled students (by institution) that are above (or at) the benchmark OR below the ACT college readiness benchmark in English and/or mathematics. This is not to be construed as placement rates, but rather indicates how recent high school graduates enrolled at NSHE institutions, performed on the standardized ACT.
ACT Placement Chart Will Load Here

Statewide administration of the ACT for all high school juniors began in 2015. The dashboard reflects data for the high school graduating class of 2015-16 and beyond and for whom the ACT subject area score exists.

ACT Benchmark: The College Readiness Benchmark Scores as reported by the ACT are defined as the minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses.