Strategic Plan Metrics - Success

Improve completions/student success rates and increase the number of individuals with a post-secondary credential

Persistence and Retention Rates

Retention Rates will load herer
Persistence Rates will load herer

Source: NSHE Data Warehouse [Enrollment, Cohort (end-of-term)], Completions.
Fall Entering Cohort: includes all students who enter the NSHE institution as first-time, degree-seeking, undergraduates.
Enrollment Load: Full-time: enrolled in 12 credits or more; Part-time: enrolled in less than 12 credits. Status based on the enrollment intensity in the entering fall semester.
Retention Rate: is the percentage of the students in the fall entering cohort who re-enroll at the same NSHE institution in the fall semester of the student's first and second year or completion of a credential at the same institution at any time between the start of the fall semester of the first year and end of the fall semester of the second year.
Persistence Rate: is the percentage of students in the fall entering cohort who re-enroll at any NSHE institution in the fall semester of the student's second year or completion of a credential at any NSHE instituiton between the start of the fall semester of the first year and end of the fall semester of the second year.

First-time students
Students who have no prior postsecondary experience attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level (baccalaureate level or below). This means that the student is first-time in terms of postsecondary education (or the student is not known to have attended another postsecondary institution). There are two exceptions: (1) students who attended any institution for the first time the summer prior to entering your institution in the fall term are to be counted as 'first-time', as are (2) students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school).
Students enrolled in courses for credit who are seeking a degree, certificate, or other recognized postsecondary credential. High school students also enrolled in postsecondary courses for credit are not considered degree/certificate-seeking.